SSH keys

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(by category)
SSH Key Management
Perspective  Configuration Management
Access  DROPS Server Configuration → SSH Keys

DROPS can generate SSH key pairs to facilitate secured connections to external target tools. It is not required to use an SSH key generated by DROPS to connect to external tools but it is an option among others.

An SSH key pair is comprised of:

  • the private key, referenced in DROPS.
  • the public key, which must be referenced by the system to which DROPS needs to connect.

The SSH keys generated by DROPS are either EdDSA or RSA keys.

If you are using the agentless mode to connect an infrastructure item to a target (in order to deploy to that target), the SSH keys defined in this section can be used to secure the connection. SSH keys can be generated in the DROPS Studio or imported if you have already generated the key(s) you want to use elsewhere.


For more information about how SSH keys are used in DROPS, refer to Infrastructure items

The SSH Keys view

To access the  SSH Keys view, select the keys node in the  Configuration menu. The  SSH Keys view displays all of the keys defined for the current server. Each key's fingerprint is displayed in the Fingerprint column.