Communication settings for the DROPS Agent

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Server Administration
Access Configuration Categories →  DROPS - HTTP Agent →  Agent Vxx.x (HTTP) Settings

If the connection to the DROPS Agent fails, the DROPS Server will try to reconnect. After successfully reconnecting, if possible, DROPS will then try to re-transfer the individual parts of each artifact (if the connection was broken while a transfer was in progress). Define the number of attempts for each of these situations in the HTTP Agent General Settings configuration page.


These options are only applicable if you use the DROPS Agent.

Define the connection settings to the DROPS Agent

Max reconnection attempts
The number of attempts to make to reconnect to the DROPS Agent before concluding that the connection is broken.
A value of -1 here will enable unlimited reconnection attempts.
Delay between reconnection attempts
The time between two re-connection attempts in milliseconds (ms).
Enable File checksum validation
If selected, the system will validate that the transfer was completed correctly.
Max transfer attempt count

When transferring to the DROPS Agent, DROPS breaks files into small, manageable parts and deploys them separately. This process helps to speed up deployment and, in case any errors are encountered, speed up redeployment. When parts of files are transferred, one by one, each successfully-transferred part is secure on the receiving end. If one part encounters an error, all of the previously transferred parts will not be affected and do not need to be re-transferred. This option enables you to define how many attempts the system should make to transfer the part(s) of the artifact(s) that encountered an error, and all of the following parts, before concluding that the transfer of those parts of the file failed. If the parts still fail to transfer after the defined number of attempts are carried out, the file transfer fails.

If the file transfer fails, the Transfer Attempts option will retry the transfer. If the number of attempts to re-transfer the part of the file (above) is 10 and the number of attempts to transfer the file as a whole (Transfer Attempts) is 3, the system will try the whole file once, each failed part 10 times and if all 10 times fail, the whole process will repeat 3 times over.


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