Local execution settings

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(by category)
Server Administration
Access Configuration Categories →  DROPS - Deployment Process →  Local Execution Settings

Define the default information required for when a dedicated Action sends a task to be carried out locally by the DROPS Server instead of remotely by the DROPS Agent.

Open the Local Execution Settings editor to define these values.

Define the local execution settings


For windows, use slashes (/) not backslashes (\) in the paths defined in the following fields.

Execution Context Root Directory
The base directory in which ANT tasks that the DROPS Server carries out are stored.
Ant Libraries (ANTLIB) folder

By default, the DROPS Server uses the built-in Ant library provided at installation to carry out local actions. You can change the path to the ANTMIB used to carry out only local tasks if you wish to use a different set of tasks that are unique to your environment.

By default the ANTLIB is .\files\ant\lib.


If you change the path to the local ANTLIB, you must ensure that any task run locally by the DROPS Server calls the correct script(s) from your library and not the built-in scripts provided by DROPS Software which are only contains in the default ANTLIB.

Debug Mode Activation
Tick this checkbox to ensure that the variable context properties file created when the DROPS Server carried out ANT tasks is not deleted after tasks are executed.
ANT Message Filter
Define a regex to filter out specific logs entries stored by DROPS during a deployment. If a deployment log entry matches this expression, it will NOT be included in the log.
Escape special entities in ANT properties’ values
Automatically replace the characters &, " and ' with their HTML entity counterpart (&, " and ').

Ctrl+s will not save your changes in the server configuration editors. To save, click the Actions drop-down menu and select Save.